Long time no blog, beauts! So a week or so ago, elf had a free shipping code, I jumped on the opportunity as I've been meaning to order a few brushes from them for agesss. Along with the free shipping, you received a 'free goodie bag' if you spent over a tenner (not a problem elf, not at all). Anyho, I thought I'd show you what I picked up and my first impressions. I intend to review brushes individually once I've had a chance to use them and develop a bit more of an opinion, so look out for that!
First off, the infamous
Studio Powder Brush! I've been meaning to pick it up for ages because of the raving reviews all over the place. I'm surprised at how well made it is. It's quite heavy duty and feels pretty good quality. Super soft, super dense, super nice :)
Blending Eye Brush is perhaps my favourite from the haul. I picked up two as I'm always in need of a blending brush and can never find a clean one. Also thought it would be good for concealer. They're really soft and fluffy, perfect for the job in hand.
I don't really know what made me pick the
Defining Eye Brush... I just thought it looked quite useful, I'll probably use it for blending out eyeliner on the upper lash line, contouring or for taking eye shadow under the eye.
Eye Shadow Brush is pretty self explanatory, but I was a little disappointed when it came out of the packaging in two pieces... I guess I could contact elf, but for the sake of £1.50, I think I’ll just crack out the superglue.
I picked up the
Concealer Brush to use as a lip brush and it's perfect. A little smaller than I was expecting but will be great for creating the perfect red lips.
Then for the freebies...
Travel Mirror... I'm not going to lie, I think this is horrendously tacky, never would of picked it and it will most likely end up in the bin. But it was technically free, you can't have everything can you?
Shimmer Pencil 7607 Twinkle Teal. Again, I wouldn't have picked it but it might come in handy one day.
I was über surprised by the polishes I was sent. I'll admit, I was expecting the reject polishes no one buys and elf want to get rid of, but I actually love these shades and would have picked them out myself. (
1573 Twinkle, 1570 Metal Madness)
The delivery time was pretty good to say I didn't pay anything for it. (I think it was about 4 working days.) And the best thing about elf? I got all this for £11.