Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Quick update | whasuuuup?

My goodness, over 4 weeks I've been away from blogging! 4 weeks! Though I could bore you all with excuses, the fact of the matter is that I've just been very very busy and when I've found a spare few moments I just haven't really felt inspired to post. I didn't want to churn out posts I wasn't happy with and though I've missed it, I did need a bit of a break from the procrastination platform that is my blog.
So, in the past 26 days I've finished/ handed in all coursework for my final year, finished my A level art exam and turned 18! I also have exams coming up in the next few weeks, as I'm sure many of you do too, so good luck!
As you can see, I'm blogging from my patio today as the weather is beautiful! I'm hoping to get a few posts out today as I'm feeling very motivated sat here in the sunshine! Hope you're all very well my lovely lovelies and hello to you new followers :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. congrats on finishing the exams!
    i finished all of mine up a little over a week ago, and now i'm home again and all settled in. it definately feels like a huge weight is off of my chest. i'm an english major as well, so i had all of these massive papers to write -- seriously, i would rather take a fill-in-the-bubbles test over an essay any day.
    can't wait to start reading some of your new posts :) take care!!


    (p.s. -- i deleted my last comment. typical english major editing everything, even my own comments.)

  3. Hope your exams are going well (: I had a break from my blog too and have recently tried to rekindle my love for writing! Enjoying it so far! Hope you get back some good motivation to do it and look forward to more posts!x

  4. I love your pink laptop! Looks like a lovely spot to be blogging from!

    joanne from jimmilou.com

  5. good luck with any remaining exams!

    love your blog, definitely following for future posts!

    from, helen at www.thelovecatsinc.com
