Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Happy Wednesday

So here we are my lovelies, January and back to the daily grind! I'm very thankful that I have the day off today to recover, yesterday nearly killed me! My sleeping pattern is quite literally all over the place, so getting up at 6:45am hurt. It hurt a lot. My Christmas break seems to have flown by! ..To the point where none of my work was done the day before I was due back... (Possibly the fastest new years resolution to be broken ever?)
After my last post loads of you were asking about what tattoo I’m thinking of getting, so I’m planning a tattoo inspiration/ ideas post that'll be up soon as well as another winter wish list and my December favourites.

This week I'm...

My bedroom. I had a major new year tidy/ clear out and added a few new things to my room, it's not completely finished yet but I'm really pleased with how it's turning out.
You lovelies! I've gained quite a few followers the past few days and you're all leaving me lovely comments that are cheering me up during the January blues!
Rizzle Kicks. I've been listening to miss cigarette, 17 and prophet on repeatttt

slightly fed up of:
The weather. I literally feel like I'm living inside a hurricane. It kept me awake most of Monday night and means I can’t drive my scooter, unless I want to get blow off - not cool.
The price of Disney classics. Had a craving to watch the little mermaid most places are selling for between £15-25! So I’m becoming increasing frustrated with my lack of happy mermaid songs as I stubbornly refuse to pay that amount.
My eyebrows. I've got no idea what's up with 'em this week, whatever I do, they just don't look right.

Hope you're all dandy my sweets! :) What are you loving/ not so much this week?


  1. christmas went faaaaaar too quickly x

  2. the weather IS really bad, it feels like it is going to blow my house away!

  3. YES to rizzlekicks!!! I've got tickets for them in february, I cant wait!


  4. I feel like i'm in a hurricane too. This weather is awful! The house is shaking from the wind, quite creepy actually...

  5. yes the weather is so annoying!! I have had no sleep thanks to the stupid wind now I have been chucked out of my room while a new window is being put in with, rain currently pouring in the empty hole.. grrr.. rant over ha xxx

  6. i love rizzle kicks too! and yes jumpers are the best :)

    thanks for the comment on my blog,

  7. I hate this weather, it makes me not want to leave my bed! x

  8. A clean room feels amazing!
